
Accuracy Rate

Average Holding

about AlgoSwing
AlgoSwing is an investment management company, which is generating systematic returns on the basis of 3 level screens- Algorithms, Charts and Candlestick patterns followed by trade level risk management.

Demonstrated Strategy
Multilevel Screens with determined Risk and Reward ratio

Consistent Returns
Proven track record of returns and accuracy

Capital Protection
Mix of Equity and Debt allocation

what we believe in
We are an investment company who are committee to the principle of return maximization and reduction of the financial risks at investing.

Profitable Investment
Proven actual and back-tested returns

Capital Protection
Each individual trade with technically calculated Stop loss and exit management

Balanced Portfolio
Ongoing rebalancing of portfolio into Equity timeframes [Daily, Weekly, Monthly] as well as Debt Segment
how we work?
We follow systematic steps to ensure capital protection and consistent returns in our portfolio

"The individual investor should act consistently as an investor and not as a speculator."
— Ben Graham

Our proven methodology generates range of returns at an average holding period of 20 days in a month. All the trades taken are reward and risk managed with a Target and Stop Loss. These TGT and SL are modified as the trade progresses.
% 1st25
% 2nd110
% 3rdWe make money at AlgoSwing
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